As the results are out, surely we teachers have appreciated the still in race slogan "BIG RESULTS NOW" with the Ministry of Education of Tanzania.
In my school life mate I never had have seen the earliest of the release on the results as it has been done in effect with this year.
It is real a big result now!
But the only question knocks me,
how long will this slogan function more?
We had UPE, but i can't know its end up and burial.
Ujamaa, Nationalization of schools and Diversification of schools in done, the only question to ask other stakeholders is, where did all these end to?
The poor with our Ministry's planners is, they over look and compare the policies in a furious context.
A struggling Tanzanian that lives under a $ can only enjoy the richest life if is helped in Shelter, Education and Food.
The only thing to be done by the Ministry was to Improve infrastructures and nourish the working conditions to teachers by rehabilitating the available resources including libraries, residences and classes.
Also to increase the ratio of books and learning/teaching resources in schools.
I bet, the loose way to UPE and her colleague may be among the step down to "BIG RESULTS NOW"
The Government promised 40 millions of Tanzanians to enjoy a prey in a ladder as the amount was directed in buying books for schooling Tanzanians, the only thing I wonder is, does the private schools in Tanzania not part of 40 millions Tanzanians?
The issue here comes, the books were bought and supplied in schools, but the private schools were not listed in the fate.
This is what makes me to declare that,
the persistence of "BIG RESULTS NOW" is in the mind of few mindless planners.
Ok, You can't criticize the passing way, before reaching the directed house" all we need is to reason twice about this slogan, "THE BIG RESULTS NOW!" it sounds beautifully!
The big results Now! another name in crusade.